The First War for Western Civilization

The First War for Western Civilization

S01E09 The "Making of" for "The FirWar For WeCivilization": BonuEpisode
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of The First War for Western Civilization, exploring its captivating story, the d...
S01E08 The Legacy and Aftermath
Sparta withdraws from the war against Persia. The new League of Greek Allies, Kimon made commander-in-chief, Battle of E...
S01E07 The Deciin Greece
The naval Battle of Salamis concludes, leading to the stabilization of Greek forces. This sets the stage for the final c...
S01E06 Leonidaand the 300 Spartans
At Thermopylae, Leonidas and his 300 Spartans hold off King Xerxes’ massive Persian army. Were their actions a suicide m...
S01E05 The Great Invaof Xerxes
The Great Persian Invasion of Greece led by King Xerxes, including the construction of bridges over the Hellespont and a...
S01E04 The Riand Fall
The legendary Marathon Run, tales of war heroes, the dramatic downfall and redemption of Kimon's family through prison, ...
S01E03 The Battle of Marathon
Events leading up to the Battle of Marathon, including the mystery of Marathon. Why did the Athenians call for help, the...
S01E02 Treachery
Sparta and its unique position in Greece. How Greece and Persia came into conflict. The Ionian Revolt, Kimon and Miltiad...
S01E01 The Beginning
Our modern connection to this period and its importance to us here and now. Three major players: Athens, Sparta, and Per...