Life On The V: The Story of V66 (2010)
- Duration: 01:36:00
- Year: 2010
- Rating: NR
- Cast: Michael E. Anderson, Douglas Ardito, Jeremy Banks, Susan Baran, Johnny Barnes, Cyndie Barone, Ian T. Barrett, David Beadle, Ernie Boch Jr., Liz Borden, Liz Borden, Dana Colley, Maribeth Cox-Livingston, Ben Deily, Brian Dixey, Nichole Donje, Mike Dreese, Jay Eidt, Jeff Erna, Adam Everett, Ralph Fatello, Mark Ferrantti, Gary France, John Garabedian, Bob Gay, Paul Geary, Woody Giessmann, Johnny Gill, Arnie Ginsburg, Michelle Goldberg, Bert Gould, Kay Hanley, Scott Harrison, Tom Hauck, Greg Hawkes, Bill Hesse, Greg Hill, Rochelle Joseph, Jean Kennedy, Gil Kerr, Danny Klein, Mary Jo Kurtz, Rita Lavacchia, Hal LeBeaux, Tim Long, Nick Lorenzen, Tristram Lozaw, Brian Marchese, Greg McKenna, Charles Membrino, Mike Michaud, Hub Moore, Roxy Myzal, Annie Norton, David O'Leary, Ian O'Malley, Henning Ohlenbusch, Joseph Pesce, Cathy Piantigini, Stuart Pologe, Mark Reynolds, Heather Rice, Bob Rivers, Amy Schrob, Paul Sferruzza, James Simon, Ian St. Germain, Bill Stephens, Perry Stone, Scott Surette, Patrick Tirda, Ralph E. Tresvant, Dan Zanes, Peter Zipfel
- Directors: Eric Green
- Writers: Eric Green
- Genre: Documentary, Music, Music|Rock, Music|Pop
Life On The V: The Story of V66 chronicles the rise and fall of Boston's free music video UHF-TV channel, which aired in 1985 and vanished after 18 months. It remains a cherished piece of '80s nostalgia for its fans.